Fading Puppy Syndrome

Fading Puppy Syndrome is a life threatening emergency in which a puppy “crashes” and begins to fade away. If not dealt with immediately it can result in death. If you are fostering puppies 6 weeks or younger, it is a very good idea to familiarize yourself with this handout so you know what to do if it happens. 


When this happens, it is vital that you take these immediate steps!

FPS is caused by 2 things : 

You must combat both of these things or the puppy will die.


Step 1- Get them warm

Step 2- Get their blood sugar up

Step 3 - Contact us immediately


We generally have very good success with these puppies if you follow the above steps. 

It is best if YOU start treatment rather than rushing them into us. Your puppy will continue to be cold/hypoglycemic on the way to the shelter. Many puppies won’t last long enough for them to start the treatments here.

These protocols are based on what would be done if the puppy was in a vet clinic or here at the shelter.  

Keep in mind, it can sometimes take hours for them to come out of it and start acting normally again. Once they do come out of it, if you have not already done so, contact us  to discuss what could have possibly caused them to fade in the first place and make sure we have the puppy on all the right medical treatments for any illnesses they have that may have caused it. An exam may be necessary.

Also keep in mind, even with all the love and attention and perfect treatment of this condition, some of them still won’t make it. Try not to blame yourself during this difficult time. Remember, if it wasn’t for you, every puppy you’ve ever fostered would have been killed at another shelter and never given a chance at life.