Additional Resources

Here you will find links to recommended reading on cat and dog behavior/health, as well as links to our appointment calendar, and several forms you may need along the way as a foster. As always, feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions!

Introducing Fosters to Resident Pets

If you plan to introduce your pets to your foster animal after the initial 7-10 day quarantine period, please read the instructions on this page. Following these guidelines with help ensure everyone's safety and set you up for more successful friendships between the animals. Even after very successful introductions, never leave foster pets unattended with resident animals. 

Recommended Reading and other Important Info

Ever been curious about how animals learn? Want to become the best foster you can be? Here you will find lots of recommended reading from experts in the field of animal behavior, training, and health. We highly, highly recommend everyone who fosters, owns, or loves animals to take a look at some of the links on this page.

Appointment Calendar

Need to schedule a supply pick up or other routine appointment? Find our scheduling calendar here.

Useful Forms

This page has links to our foster notes (where you can tell us all about your foster animals) and links to update your contact info, or provide feedback on our foster program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want a quick refresher on our foster program? Read the FAQ!

Fostering By The Numbers

Like numbers? Check out this page to see some data on how many animals go through our foster program each month and each year.