If you have any questions at all, please contact the foster department directly. Other KHS phone numbers, emails, or departments are unable to help with any foster concerns.
Contacting other departments will delay you getting answers and delay your animal getting care.
Our contact info can be found at the bottom of every page on this site and in our signature in every email you receive.
Thank you so much for your cooperation with this important policy.
URI Overview
Many cats and kittens will get a URI (Upper Respiratory Infection) at some point in their life. During times of stress or illness, the likelihood is increased. This means that, during your time as a foster, it is likely you will have a foster with a URI. A URI is essentially a cold, but, if left untreated, can lead to pneumonia, or other illness. Use the image below to help monitor and gauge your kittens/cats symptoms. Please take extra note of the Age of Kitten box. Any signs of URI in kittens under 6 weeks of age are automatically in the “Moderate” column, regardless of severity of symptoms.
How to Handle URI Symptoms
The chart below has symptoms rated Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Emergency. Please call or email the foster medical team even if the symptoms are only mild. With most mild symptoms, we will have you monitor for 24 hours, but please still let us know about them. Fosters with symptoms rated Moderate or above MUST be reported to us immediately.