Introducing Fosters to Resident Pets

Once the initial 7-10 day separation period is over, if your foster animal is healthy, you may want to introduce them to your resident pets. We recommend using the guidelines below to ensure your intros are done as safely as possible and set the animals up for successful friendships. 

Keep in mind that, even after successful intros NEVER LEAVE FOSTER ANIMALS UNATTENDED WITH YOUR PERSONAL PETS. Behaviors can continue to change as the animals get more comfortable in your home and we want to keep everyone safe and happy. Report any behavior concerns to us immediately at

Introducing dogs to each other using parallel walks is extremely effective. Allowing dogs who are pulling towards each other to meet head on can cause tension and may actually slow down the intro process. Follow instructions at this link, and then watch a video on parallel walking here to see it in action. You can see in the video they really take their time and we highly recommend you do not rush this process. 

Introducing cats to each other is a process that can take a weekend, or several weeks. During the 7-10 day separation period, you may be able to get a bit of a feel of how the cats may react to each other based on their behavior on opposite sides of a door. Jackson Galaxy has some great tips on how to proceed with integrating a foster cat into your home. You can also visit this page for a little more info

Introducing dogs and cats needs to be done very carefully. Even a dog who has lived with cats in a previous home may react differently to new cats in a new environment. Please take your time with these intros and DO NOT PROCEED if you notice any signs of fixation, growling, or any other even mildly concerning behaviors from the dog. Report these behaviors to us right away so we can provide further guidance. This page has great, basic info on how to do these intros. Even if your introductions are extremely successful, NEVER LEAVE FOSTER DOGS UNATTENDED WITH CATS.