Bottle Babies

Information courtesy of The Kitten Lady

*At KHS we supply you with kitten milk, bottles, canned and dry food (once they are weaning), a carrier, and other supplies you may need. We also provide all medical care so you do not need to worry about expenses or lining up a vet before you start to foster.

*If you have concerns about your kittens stool or health, please contact the foster medical team right away. You may also visit this page which has a good chart to help you monitor stool health. 

*The Kentucky Humane Society provides all needed medical care for your fosters. We will contact you to schedule appointments when your kitten is due for vaccines, flea treatments, deworming, or any other care. You may also visit the pages below for more information on specific health concerns you may have.


URI (Upper Respiratory Infection: sneezing, runny eyes/nose/etc)

Fading Kitten Syndrome (Emergency treatment for kittens who are very lethargic, limp, or otherwise very ill)