Dog & Puppy Poop

If you have any questions at all, please contact the foster department directly. Other KHS phone numbers, emails, or departments are unable to help with any foster concerns. 

Contacting other departments will delay you getting answers and delay your animal getting care.

Our contact info can be found at the bottom of every page on this site and in our signature in every email you receive.

Thank you so much for your cooperation with this important policy.

The Importance of Treating Diarrhea

Diarrhea in puppies should not be taken lightly or ignored. Some bouts of diarrhea will resolve with time and supportive care, but it is vital to report diarrhea in puppies to us right away. Young puppies are at risk of contracting parvovirus, a life-threatening viral infection. It is treatable, but needs to be caught, and have treatment started, quickly. Although the below is written with puppies in mind, the guidelines apply to adult dogs as well.

Identifying Severity


Clinical Signs

Initial Care

Assess general health

Continue to monitor at home 

When to Contact the Foster Team

Treatment and Follow Up

We will have you bring in a stool sample (and likely the puppy as well) for us to check. Our vet staff will prescribe meds to treat the diarrhea.